Florida Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired

General Information

Florida Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired
4210 West Bay Villa Avenue
Tampa, FL 33611-1206
(813) 837 7826

Services Offered

  • Consultation/Technical Program Assistance
    • Coordinates regional training and new teacher orientation meetings for personnel who work with blind and visually impaired students. Contact the Coordinator of Instructional Resources. Provides training in materials production, technological applications and instructional strategies for students with visual impairments. Provides assistance and consultative support to local school districts, teachers of visually impaired students and other parents and/or professionals.

  • Professional Training
    • FIMC-VI offers training and on-site technical assistance in the assessment/evaluation of children with visual impairments in the State of Florida; sponsors workshops and ongoing professional development in the use of technology for access to the school environment in the State of Florida; offers workshops, professional development, and on-site technical assistance in various topics related to the educational needs of students with visual impairments in the State of Florida. For 28 years FIMC-VI has sponsored Weekends with the Experts, a two-day seminar dedicated to disability-specific topics, for Florida's teachers of the visually impaired, agency personnel, university students, families, or others. To be included in the mailing list, please contact Kay Ratzlaff at kratzlaff@fimcvi.org or call 800-282-9193.

  • Distance Education
    • FIMC-VI is developing options for distance learning for Florida's teachers of the visually impaired, classroom teachers and other interested parties. To be notified of distance learning opportunities please contact Kay Ratzlaff at kratzlaff@fimcvi.org or 800-282-9193.