General Information
District of Columbia Department on Disability Services
250 E Street, SW
DC 20024
(202) 730 1700
Services Offered
- Assessment
- Provides assessment of vocational abilities.
- Counseling
- Offers counseling and guidance, particularly for vocational possibilities.
- Employment/Job Training
- Provides assistance in job search and placement, job retention, vocational training. Works with communities, businesses and organizations in their efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities and afford them opportunities for integrated employment in the mainstream of society.
- Daily Living Skills/Independent Living Skills Training
- Provides services to individuals with disabilities to help them to live as independently as possibly in the community. Partners with the DC Center for Independent Living and other private agencies in the community to provide the following four core independent living services: Advocacy, Independent Living Skills Training, Information and Referral, and Peer Support.
The Independent Living Older Blind Program (ILOB) program provides in-home and community-based services to support persons that are blind and living with vision loss who are fifty five years of age and older. - Health
- Maintains eye clinics and provides diabetic screening and other health services.
- Computer Training/Assistive Technology
- Conduct comprehensive cost-free assessments to identify the best equipment to help people meet their personal independent living, educational, and professional goals. The Assistive Technology team will also train and provide ongoing support to help persons with disabilities to utilize adaptive aids and computer software in the most effective way.