Courtney Tabor-Abbott

Courtney is a transition specialist at Perkins School for the Blind and an aspiring writer. She was born with a genetic retinal disorder that has made her legally blind since birth and has led her to lose her vision over the course of her life. Courtney is a proud mother of 2-year-old James and 8-month-old Samuel, and wife to her husband Chris. She and her sons enjoy spending time outdoors, sharing music together, and reading every braille/print book they can get their hands on.

In her writing, Courtney explores life with a vision impairment and her journey as a blind parent of sighted children. With openness, honesty, and humor, Courtney hopes to communicate both the joys and struggles of blindness. By sharing some of her stories on this blog, she invites readers into thought and conversation about the ways that both challenge and success can contribute to richness of life with a vision impairment.