Money Management Education for Children and Teens with Visual Impairments

When it comes to teaching our children who are blind or visually impaired to manage money wisely, we may desire a ready-made tutorial, perhaps a 10-step program that equips our children with a lifetime of financial literacy and security. Iā€™m here to remind us that teaching our children financial literacy and money management is an … Continued

Giving Blind and Visually Impaired High Schoolers a Head Start on the College Experience

Editor’s Note: Today’s blog post is from guest blogger, Tovah Miller, from Perkins School for the Blind. This blog was originally posted on the Learning Ally blog. Giving Blind and Visually Impaired High Schoolers a Head Start on the College Experience By Tovah Miller Thereā€™s no place more energizing than a college campus. However, many … Continued

Braille Instruction, Too Often Neglected in Children with Low Vision

We recently discussed the importance of braille on AFB FamilyConnect. Many parents of older children and teens with vision loss, as well as many adults with vision loss, spoke out in agreement that braille is of utmost importance when print-reading is a struggle. So, with this information, why is braille instruction often neglected in children … Continued

Transitions, Not So Easy!

Well, it is fall again, my favorite time of year. It’s harvest, the weather is good, and finally the temperatures are where I like them. With fall season, begins the school year, another transition. And like fall, not always predictable. Change is inevitable, but not always easy and sometimes decisions have to be made. Evaluation … Continued

Advice for September from a College Freshman

It is the start of September which means two things: 1) summer is almost over, and 2) it’s officially back-to-school season. It’s the time of year when millions of students across the nation are returning to elementary, middle, and high schools. It’s also the perfect time of the year for me to introduce you to … Continued

Expect Your Teen to Dialogue with Teachers Prior to the School Year (and Other Ways to Help Your Child Self-Advocate at School)

Blindness and low vision are low incidence disabilities; the majority of our childrenā€™s and teensā€™ teachers will not know their specific needs and necessary accommodations. Parents are expected to suit up and get on the field; to play an active role in advocating for their childrenā€™s educational needs and services. But in time, roles shift. … Continued

Graduated and College Bound!

I recently had the honor of recognizing one of my former Kindergarten students, Michael “Jake” Beausir for a scholarship award at his high school graduation awards ceremony. When I announced his name to the audience, the crowd rose to their feet and roared with applauses, whistles and shouts of “whoop whoop”! As Jake accepted his … Continued

High Expectations for Your Graduate with Vision Loss (From Pre-K to High School)

For as long as Iā€™ve had the pleasure of blogging for APH CareerConnect, followed by AFB FamilyConnect, Iā€™ve never said it. Iā€™ve reserved its use. Until now. If you only remember one thing from any blog Iā€™ve ever written, remember this: Your son or daughter needs (read: thrives on) your high expectations. Weā€™ve heard it … Continued

Teaching Financial Literacy to Our Children with Visual Impairments

We know teaching our children to earn and wisely manage money is important, but how do you teach financial literacy to children with visual impairments? Hereā€™s how: Openly discuss finances with your child. Allow your child to practice earning and managing a small allowance. Involve your child in your familyā€™s saving and spending opportunities. Work … Continued

Inspired by the Holidays: Volunteering with Your Older Child Who Is Blind or Visually Impaired

Can I tell you my favorite holiday memory from childhood? I was 8 or 10; my parents, siblings, and I bundled up and squeezed into the minivan on our way to ā€œMeals on Wheelsā€. We collected about 4 single-serving hot meals; slices of roasted turkey, runny mashed potatoes, green beans, and pecan pie enclosed in … Continued