Parents teaching children to be their own advocate is the lesson of a lifetime

It’s not unusual for parents to advocate for their children, even if they’re not blind or visually impaired. But Wendy Hardman and her husband, John, like many parents, did something even more valuable for their son, Cole: They taught him to advocate for himself from the start. (See related story on CareerConnect, Parents teaching children to … Continued

A Dad’s Perspective: Learning My Son Has Albinism

Editor’s note: September is Albinism Awareness Month. In effort to increase awareness of albinism and subsequent low vision in children, APH FamilyConnect shares a dad’s story of learning his young son has albinism. A Dad’s Perspective: Learning My Son Has Albinism Benjamin was born in November 2017. He was fair-skinned and blonde and looked exactly … Continued

First Day Jitters: Four Stories of Transition (Elementary, Middle, High, College)

It can certainly feel daunting when your child or teen who is blind or low vision is transitioning to their next season of education (elementary, middle, high school, or college)! Much like the popular children’s book series First Day Jitters, you and your maturing child may have jitters—and more than a few! You may both … Continued

Behind the Scenes: Mom Creates CVI-Friendly YouTube Videos

Editor’s note: Alissa DeSousa shares memories of her son receiving multiple medical diagnoses, both in utero and in early childhood, including cerebral/ cortical visual impairment (CVI). She also shares how she recognized a need for CVI-friendly videos and proceeded to meet the need. Behind the Scenes: Mom Creates CVI-Friendly YouTube Videos When my pregnancy was … Continued

Journey to a Diagnosis of Leber Congenital Amaurosis

Editor’s note: Brooklyn and Nick are raising two girls with Leber congenital amaurosis, an inherited eye condition characterized by a lack of activity in the retina. Today, they share their long road to receiving diagnoses. If you, too, have a child diagnosed with an eye condition, please know that 1) You are not alone, 2) … Continued

Social Skill Savvy for the First Day of School – with Bonus “About Me” Template! 

If you’re like me (a bit of a nerd at heart), you may remember your childhood school “first days” as fun and exciting, with possibly a few nervous butterflies in the mix. I loved the satisfaction of putting a crisp, clean stack of paper into my brightly colored Trapper-Keeper (did you know they’re back in … Continued

Parent of a Teen Who is Blind Shares Funding Strategies for Private Services 

APH CareerConnect Advisor and friend of APH FamilyConnect, Lisa Lloyd, and her husband have a 14-year-old who is blind whom they adopted from India just before her 5th birthday. If you know Lisa and her husband, you know they are fierce advocates for the truly unique needs of their children.   Lisa shares, “Our daughter is … Continued

Summer Friendships: Helping Your Child Who is Blind or Low Vision Develop and Maintain Connections

Summer offers most young people additional free time due to fewer academic responsibilities. The season is ripe for your child who is blind or low vision to develop and maintain friendships through planning and attending get-togethers. Consider with me who your child can meet up with, any social skills needing improvement, and any accessibility concerns—all … Continued

Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Part 3: Instructional Strategies  

If your child has been diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH), you are not alone! According to Dr. Borchert for The MAGIC Foundation, Optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) is the leading cause of blindness in infants and children.   Joanna Mathewson recalled her young daughter’s diagnosis of ONH in Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Part 1: Joanna and Chrissa’s … Continued

Necessity is the Mother of Invention, Especially for Families of Blind and Visually Impaired Children 

Melisa Matthews was an elementary school teacher when she gave birth to a son – who was a pale blonde towhead — and assumed he’d grow out of it, just like her husband did. Two-and-a-half years later, the couple had a daughter, whose irregular eye movements were identified at her two-month wellness check-up. Melisa’s daughter … Continued