The Fragrance of Fall: Two Ingredient, Apple-Scented Playdough

For most, autumn has been, well, stinky. It’s time to ditch the stench and the alter the aroma. Enter the respite of sensory play, and not just any sensory play…the molding and squeezing of a heap of seasonally-scented dough. Rainy Day Mum introduced me to just the thing. Here’s what you need to know to … Continued

closeup of Shannon's daughter holding a fish in a net

An Adventure in Summer ECC Skills: Plan a Day Trip

Little did we know we’d spend much of spring 2020 in lockdown. Here in England, our restrictions are finally loosening and yet I feel a lingering sense of restriction. (Read: GET ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE!) Maybe you feel similarly. How about we put those get-me-out-of-here sentiments to good use. Perhaps you and your child(ren) … Continued