Overwhelmed…sort of

Emily and her family Wow…what a week! It was pointed out that Eddie is a vessel for Autism…how’s that for positive spin? 🙂 Then, Friday, we had his IEP meeting. For those of you not in the know, that is an annual (at least) meeting at school where we discuss his progress, goals, objectives, etc. It can be a little intimidating and a lot overwhelming.

Eddie’s meeting lasted over 3 hours and over a dozen people attended. It can be hard to hear all the things your child isn’t doing yet, goals that haven’t been met, and milestones that are yet to be checked off. What am I saying, “it can be hard”…no, it just is hard. I left feeling emotionally exhausted. I’m lucky he has an incredible team of caring, knowledgeable professionals. I can’t imagine having to go in and fight for what he needs…they willingly seek it out.

So…besides his IEP meeting…I took him to a music class today for a trial run. He did…OK. Of the 45 minutes, I’d say he enjoyed at least 20 minutes…tolerated 10 minutes…and had it with 15 of the minutes. In fact, we left a little early due to his meltdowns. Why is it that I am the only parent that gets “head-butted” by their child during a music class? I’m sure it has happened before, but why can’t it happen to someone else WHILE it is happening to me. It would be so much less embarrassing that way.

Come on, Eddie. You like music! You like dancing! You like spending time with Mom! These are all the perks of going to music class. How can I help you realize that you can and will have fun there…the whole time? I guess that will be a new goal for me…another one.