Oh, the Irony

Yesterday, I did a little ranting on this website about the problems with assessment. I shared the anxiety I feel as a parent, and my fear that the ā€œsystemā€ will let my son down. In the middle of my posting I went as far as to say, ā€œWhatā€™s the point?ā€

Well, I went to work todayā€¦and in the midst of struggling with how to work with a few particular kidsā€¦I went on a massive search for a great tool. What kind of tool you may askā€¦an assessment tool of course! As I was talking to other professionals about how to accurately measure a studentā€™s abilitiesā€¦a light bulb went off. Oh yeah! Thatā€™s the point! I knew that.

As a parent, I want to protect my son in bubble wrap and allow everyone to see him through my eyes. I see the good, the badā€¦and sometimes ugly, but I see it through rose-colored glasses. I canā€™t help it because he is my son. But I have to remember that, he only has one mom, and everybody else has to learn about him in their own wayā€¦through their own assessment.

My assessment of Eddie has come from knowing him his entire life. Itā€™s been taught through ā€œincidentalā€ learningā€¦or from simply spending so much time with him. I know him innately. That can make me feel like everyone else should to, which is unfair.

Assessments do serve a purpose, and itā€™s a pretty important one. As a teacher of the visually impaired, I use assessment tools of some kind almost every day. That being said, I’m careful to revisit them regularly as needed. I try not to label any student too specifically, and remember that they are always an individual.

However, without a starting point, Iā€™m left with nothing. I canā€™t simply walk into a room and know what level of braille a student is at, or what vision they are using, or what kind of nemeth (braille math) they should be taught. I have to assess them to find those facts. If thatā€™s true for me, then it is true for all educators.

So, Iā€™m not exactly retracting my post from yesterday, but I am refining it. Even though Iā€™m worried about the assessment process, I have to give the system a chance. Iā€™m more prone to being optimistic, and I need to let that side of me ring true here as well.

The thing to remember is that there are safeguards (literally called that) within the special education process. Theyā€™re present for a reason, and can be called upon as needed. Many of us have multiple copies provided annually by the school. Itā€™s usually laughable when I get handed a new oneā€¦but Iā€™m getting them for a reason.

FamilyConnect also has a good article about assessments: http://www.familyconnect.org/parentsite.asp?SectionID=72&TopicID=369. Itā€™s a good overview if youā€™re new to the processā€¦and a good reminder for those of us that arenā€™t.

So, when you find yourself freaking out as a parentā€¦which is where I was this weekend, remember that you might feel better tomorrow. Or, like me, youā€™ll have a revelation and remember that there is a point to most assessments. Because of that, Iā€™m choosing to trust in the process, while asking many, many, questions along the way.