BIG Changes

The last couple weeks have been a little hectic in my life which is why there has not been much posting. We decided to move our family because I was offered an exciting position as a teacher of the visually impaired. Taking the job required moving to another state and uprooting our family, which is never an easy choice to make. Making such a drastic change is even harder when you have a child with special needs.

To move Eddie required verifying insurance needs months in advance and determining new services and new people to provide those services. He had a phenomenal team for six years that loved him and I had to wonder if we would find that again. Even though we have only been moved a week, Iā€™ve been met with enthusiasm from his new school and growing support from a small community. Being generally optimistic, I expected good things, but it is always a relief when it happens.

Moving Eddie takes so much thought, that I have to remind myself how hard it is for my oldest as well. She is leaving behind friends and a school she loved and even though she wonā€™t admit it, I believe she is terrified. I just expect her to adapt and make friends quickly, which she probably will, but I canā€™t forget to be there for her, too. I realize I canā€™t always spread my time equally among my children because Eddie requires so much, but this should not be obvious to my kids.

Needless to say, we are in a state of disarray at the Coleman residence. Iā€™m sure this chaos will breed many new posts about change and adaptation. I used to love big changes but not-so-much anymore. I used to feel like a ā€œfree-spiritā€, but that has changed some with parenthood. Routines and stability now make me feel safe and big changes are scary. Obviously, they are scary because they affect my kids now, too, and not just myself. Eddie is a stickler for routine and Iā€™m shaking up his world. I think it will be good for him, though, because life is all about change. This may be his first major ā€œlife lessonā€. You never know, I might even learn something, too.