Advocating for My Child Who is Blind

Iā€™m not a very confrontational person. Before I directly accuse somebody of something, or announce a grievance, I try to consider all sides. I donā€™t like jumping to conclusions, and I generally think people act with good intentions.

Over the nine plus years Eddie has been in my life, there have been many times when I needed to stand up for him because he couldnā€™t do it for himself. Sometimes, I rose to the occasion. Other times, Iā€™ll admit, I decided to play things safe. Safe as in not ruffling feathersā€¦not being a crazy momā€¦and not being ā€œthat parentā€ which we all try to avoid.

Iā€™ve sat in meetings at school, and wanted to cry, or shout, or both. Iā€™ve sat in doctorā€™s offices and wanted to ask another question, and another, and even more, but chose not to because I felt like I was asking too much. Most of the time, when I silently vote to keep calm waters, I regret it.

Because I know that I can be meek at times when I shouldnā€™t be, I often have advocates (friends or family) with me in meetingsā€¦and well-prepare myself for the meetings I attend alone. People who know me, might not realize that Iā€™m not always a strong advocate for my sonā€¦but, honestly, itā€™s exhausting being that person all the time. That part of meā€¦the ā€œstrong advocateā€ tends to save herself for the days it really counts.

When those days come, it feels really great to be strong. Last week, I took Eddie for some routine lab work, which included a blood-draw. The technicians tried twice to find a vein, and were unsuccessful. In the past, Iā€™ve let techs try again, or let them find somebody else that may have more training with a kid like mine.

This time, in my gut, I knew that we were done with that hospital on that day. I simply wasnā€™t going to let them poke Eddie again; because I wasnā€™t confident they could get it done with another try. So, I stood up, took Eddieā€™s hand, asked for his lab slip back, and told them we were going somewhere else.

I wasnā€™t rudeā€¦or sharpā€¦or even sassy. I was simply decisive, and it felt great. Standing up for him always feels good, and it makes me want to do it more often. I immediately thought about some wrongs I wanted to right, and when it comes to Eddie, there is always some kind of battle to be won.

Self-advocacy is extremely important for kids who are blind. However, parents have to learn how to be advocates, too. It isnā€™t always easy, and it makes me uncomfortable at times. I donā€™t want to hurt anybodyā€™s feelings, but that canā€™t stop me from being there for Eddie. If I ask, ā€œWhat is right for Eddie?ā€ and that answer requires actionā€¦I have to be strong enough to do what needs to be done.