Raising the Money to Attend a Parenting Conference: Weighing the Options

Susan LaVenture It was in 1989, shortly after my son Alex was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a rare form of infant eye cancer, when I read this article about ideas for getting a sponsorship to attend a National Conference of the National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments, (NAPVI). The same day that we were told that our son had a blinding and life threatening condition, we were told by our insurance company that our son was not covered under our health insurance plan.

Needless to say, being a family of five, struggling to make ends meet, without any funds that could possibly cover the expenses to attend a NAPVI conference, we found a way through the inspiration of reading this article. We hope that you and your family will find a way to join us in Boston July 27-29, 2012!

Fund Raising: Weighing the Options

(Reprinted with permission from AWARENESS, Spring 2012, adapted. For more details on how to become a NAPVI member and receive this quarterly publication for free, please visit the NAPVI website.)