Happy Mother’s Day!

Hope you all had a nice Mother’s Day with your families. I had a great day—it was really restful (so much so that this is a belated Mother’s Day wish to you all!).

As mothers we are always taking care of everyone else’s needs and it’s difficult to carve out time for taking care of you! It’s especially important for parents who have children with medical and educational issues; with all of the additional appointments and preparation it takes, it’s very easy for mothers to put their personal needs aside. As I’ve heard quoted before from a comedian: When traveling by airplane and the flight attendant gives the safety briefing, he/she says, “If traveling with a young child, please make sure to put your air mask on first so you then will be able to assist the child with their air mask!”

It’s true we need to take care of our mental and physical health in order to care of our families. So please, I encourage you to take time for yourself to recharge your batteries—no matter how difficult it seems for you to do, whether you feel there is not enough time in the day or if you feel guilty about doing something for yourself. Any helpful hints from other mothers out there who have found ways to either schedule or incorporate into their lives time for themselves?