Happy Mother’s Day to All the Moms of Blind and Visually Impaired Children Out There!

Here’s to you! Best wishes to you on Mother’s Day as you spend time enjoying your families today. I hope you take the time to think about how much you do for your family to enrich their lives and relax for a moment to pat yourself on the back and smile, saying “yes, I am a wonderful mom.”

I have admired and appreciated all of the mothers I have met through the years who are working so hard to make sure their blind and visually impaired children have the love, education, and resources they need to thrive. I feel there is no other love stronger and more enduring than that of a mother for her children. A mother’s love is a phenomenon—you are their constant and your motherly instinct knows best. Mothers of children with disabilities are some of the most powerful advocates that the world has seen.

Bravo to you and know that you’ve made a difference in not only your own families’ lives but your enduring motherhood has made an impact and will pave the way for those new families that will follow you!


From another mom of three!