Caitlin’s Top 10 Rules for Incoming Freshmen

Scott Truax Hello, everyone. When it comes to negotiating a college campus for the first time, who is a better expert than the visually impaired student who has just learned everything the hard way? Many thanks to our visiting blogger, college sophomore Caitlin Hernandez, for this funny and true back-to-school list of survival strategies for blind college students.

Hi, all!

From my vantage point as a soon-to-be-sophomore (at the original time of this writing, I have just one more week of my freshman year to plow through), I present you with the top ten things I have learned this year at college vis-a-vis being a visually impaired freshman.

Feel free to redistribute, enjoy, and (hopefully) snort with laughter. Here’s hoping that my brainless mistakes will help the kids who come after me. All I ask is that you think no less of me after reading this list, which flaunts some samples of my own ineptitude in a most vivid manner.

I Remain Yours Most Sincerely,

Caitlin Hernandez

Caitlin Hernandez’s Top Ten (10) Rules That Every Incoming Freshman (Who Happens to Be Blind) Should Most Definitely Know (also known as, What They Don’t Tell You at Freshman Orientation)