APH Code Jumper and Summer Fun

Child creates a circuit with computer-mouse-sized Code Jumper pods. Text: APH Hive Getting Started: Code Jumper Unplugged Presented by Leslie Weilbacher, Robin Lowell, & Shelley Mack

Computer Science and Information Technology jobs have continued to rise over the last few years. With future job opportunities in the field virtually endless, this is a field your child should have the opportunity to explore. Many students are exposed to coding even in kindergarten, but your child who is blind or low vision may not have the same exposure as visual learners. Your child can experience coding and computer science with your help this summer.

APH’s Code Jumper

APH’s Code Jumper is designed for young children to begin exploring computer science ideas and coding through physical, tactile pods. Coding with APH Code Jumper allows your child to be part of the planning process, to change and reconstruct music, and to create stories. Reaching out to your TVI or state lending library to borrow APH Code Jumper this summer will allow you and your child to explore coding and create amazing songs, stories, and soundscapes.

APH Hive Code Jumper Training

The APH Hive offers training for you to know more about the APH Code Jumper and the many resources and activities you can do with your child over the summer. This can also provide the opportunity to support skills your child is working on with their TVI. Taking what you learn and working with your child and siblings is one amazing way to include everyone this summer with a new and exciting learning opportunity.

Take your coding skills to the next level with CJ, a blue cat-like creature from outer space. Help solve puzzles and educate CJ about planet Earth as another fun way to develop your child’s coding exploration and skills. CJ’s puzzles are another way to incorporate reading and coding together. The possibilities for learning and coding are endless this summer!