Early Literacy

I have always loved books. I loved reading when I was younger and found the love of reading again when I graduated from college and could actually read for “fun” and choose what I wanted to read. I wanted my children to love books and reading the same way I did. When they were younger, we had an … Continued

Thriving is Better Than Surviving: My journey to raising successful, resilient, and courageous blind children

by Kristin Smedley I spent nine months memorizing What to Expect When You’re Expecting. In my pregnancy, everything the book said to expect happened at or before the timeframe it predicted.  My baby grew inside me at the perfect rate, made all the right movements perfectly on schedule, and even arrived into the world in perfect health and with a perfect little … Continued

16 Tips for Encouraging a Struggling Reader Who Is Blind or Visually Impaired

My curly-haired, almost ten-year-old daughter is spunky, empathetic, artistic, and creative
She’s also a struggling reader. Though she’s continued to receive slow and steady instruction in phonics since she was four or five years old, reading is an effort and a significant source of frustration for her. Maybe you, too, have a struggling reader who panics when … Continued

Communication for Young Children with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities

What was your child’s first word?  This question seems innocent enough, but it caused a great deal of heartache for me every time someone asked it. With respect to my daughter Mary, that first word was never spoken. Throughout our years in Early Intervention, we focused a great deal of effort and energy on encouraging … Continued

Silhouettes of three Paralympic athletes performing with text Rising Phoenix from Netflix


The following is an edited excerpt from Now I See: A Journey of Prophecy, Pain, and Purpose ©2019 by Vera Jones Chapter 8 – I CAN The dorm supervisor came in and began to explain how Andrew would be expected to make his bed, clean his room, and would share in the other rotating dorm … Continued

Teacher placing bright red objects on black board with child facing away from camera looking at the board
Young child and mother smiling for the camera