Back to School and Expecting the Unexpected

Eddie and his sisters posing in the front yard

This summer I have been constantly surprised by Eddie. When his actions exceed my expectations, Iā€™m almost ashamed that Iā€™m surprised. I should expect him to be clever, teachable, and funny. Yet, I donā€™t always see it coming. As we go into another school year…Iā€™m going to expect the unexpected. Iā€™m going to expect to be surprised like I was all summer long.

When we went to a water park, I was avoiding the lines. I hate lines, and I assumed Eddie would, too. However, when he loved the ā€œfamily rideā€ with an enormous line, the line didnā€™t matter. I said, ā€œDo you want to go swimming, or STAND IN LINE?ā€ To me the answer was obvious, and it was to Eddie, too. He said, ā€œMore line…OK!ā€ I didnā€™t expect him to want the line, or to be happy while he waited, but he was.

His sister, Molly, taught Eddie a funny camp song that ended with a moose dying and the last line was, “He decomposed.” Eddie thought it was hilarious, and I thought it was because he liked the sound of the word “decomposed.” However, one day after a long swim, he sat in a lounge chair, fell back, and said, “He decomposed.” Not only was the line funny, but apparently so was Eddie.

Although Eddie has been ā€œpotty-trainedā€ for years, he still needs verbal prompting sometimes to get him through all the steps involved in going to the bathroom. He said he had to use the bathroom, but I found him in there playing in the sink instead. As I was nagging in the doorway, he walked over, and shut the door in my face. He proceeded to use the bathroom 100% independently, then opened the door and walked right on by me. I thought he needed help, but he really needed privacy.

Eddie has never been overly affectionate, but as I spent a lot of time traveling for work this summer, that has somehow shifted. My previous impression was that he was content as long as Mom or Dad was home. I really didnā€™t think Iā€™d be missed. Yet, upon my return from every trip, he marches quickly up the stairs at the sound of my voice. As soon as I sit down, heā€™s by my side and reaching for my hand. His smile, laughter, and snuggles are exactly what I need after being away, and I didnā€™t ever expect to get them from him.

Finally, he surprised me one more time this morning by unexpectedly throwing open my shower door while I was mid-shampoo. Although my first thoughts went to a ā€œslasherā€ movie, I ended up laughing out loud…and so did Eddie. Just when I think he is often in ā€œhis own worldā€, he shows me that he understands our world very well, too.

So, to his teachers, family, and friends: expect the unexpected. Expect him to be funny, affectionate, witty, and clever. He always knows more than we think he does, and heā€™s always capable of more than we put on his shoulders. For the 2015-2016 school year, letā€™s surprise him by giving him more opportunities for independence and growth. Letā€™s surprise him by expecting him to do great things…because we know that he can.