Traumatic brain injury (also referred to as acquired brain injury or brain damage) is a trauma to the brain that occurs after birth, often through an accident, near drowning, or severe seizures. If your child has a traumatic brain injury, he may experience confusion, difficulties in processing information, short-term memory loss, mood changes, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping, among other symptoms. The effects of the traumatic brain injury will vary, depending on which part of the brain is injured, the severity of the injury, and when the injury was sustained.

If your child has a traumatic brain injury, it will be important to work with other members of his educational team to identify strategies that can help him with memory, organization, attention span, and other areas that are affected by the injury. Often a neuropsychologist will participate on or advise the team. Your child may function best in an environment that has minimal distractions, predictable events, allows the practice of skills regularly, and in which he receives consistent feedback from service providers and family members.