As Emily Coleman eloquently penned in the blog post Sharing the Holidays with Your Child Who Is Visually Impaired:
For those of us with a child who is visually impaired, we not only have to think about organizing our families, but also how to include our visually impaired children in a way that will be enjoyable to them… Important things to remember over the holidays are keeping with tradition, teaching in the moment, adaptation, and time management.
Over the years, FamilyConnect has composed numerous recommendations for establishing meaningful and accessible holidays in the spirit of “including visually impaired children in a way that will be enjoyable to them.” Our intent is to provide ideas and to be a hub where families can share their suggestions and questions. It is here you will find a compilation of holiday ideas and inspiration to make holidays meaningful to children and teens with visual impairments.

Winter Holidays


Spring Holidays

Mother resting outside with her Daughter

Summer Holidays

Fall Holidays

a mother, father, and daughter having Thanksgiving dinner at home Lastly, blogger Emily Coleman shares her advice on creating a meaningful birthday celebration in the blog post, Happy Birthday, Eddie!